Clinical studies confirm a significant improvement in symptoms (joint pain and stiffness) in osteoarthritis patients (stage 1-3) and support the effectiveness of NEM.
With continuous use of one capsule of NEM per day, pain and stiffness are progressively reduced up to day 30 of treatment. Studies show a reduction in pain and stiffness of between 30-40%.
Studies show the lasting effect of NEM over a period of 60 days. In several studies, patients show a >50% reduction in pain and stiffness.
Studies show a consistent improvement in symptoms even on day 90. The maximum efficacy of NEM is reached after about 3 months of use.
Conclusion: NEM is the optimal supplement for long-term increase in mobility and flexibility.
This is obtained and processed from fresh eggshell scraps, so this is an upcycled product.
The trace element manganese is important for maintaining the health of cartilage mass, bones and tendons.
Joints wear out more than almost any other organ, simply because we move and perform work every day. A daily dose is very well suited as prophylaxis. But also for arthritis stage 1-3, arthrosis or other advanced joint problems, the product helps to inhibit inflammation and reduce pain.
Improved mobility in clinical trial participants with significantly reduced joint problems and stiffness.*
Supports cartilage by reducing degradation and providing nutrients for rebuilding*
.Scientifically proven
12 international clinical trials conducted by doctors at medical colleges and universities.
Quality control in external laboratories. Manufactured in HACCP / GMP certified production facilities.
At Nouvellune, we stand for quality. If you are still not satisfied with our product, we will refund your money in full up to 100 days after purchase.
It is best to consume NEM Intense® once a day before or during a meal with some liquid.
NEM Intense® is an all-natural and safe food supplement. There are no known side effects or interactions with other food supplements/drugs. In targeted observations (surveillance) over 12 years, no side effects (adverse events) were documented. Are there any side effects when consuming NEM Intense®?
NEM Intense® should not be taken if you have an allergy to eggs.
1. Ruff KJ, Morrison D, Duncan SA, Back M, Aydogan C and Theodosakis J. Beneficial Effects of NEM® Brand Eggshell Membrane Versus Placebo in Exercise-induced Joint Pain, Stiffness & Cartilage Turnover in Healthy, Post-menopausal Women. Clinical Interventions in Aging, 2018:13 285-295.
2. Ruff KJ, DeVore DP, Leu MD and Robinson MA. (2009) Eggshell Membrane: A Possible New Natural Therapeutic For Joint & Connective Tissue Disorders. Results From Two Open-label Human Clinical Studies. Clinical Interventions in Aging, 4:235-240.
3. Ruff KJ, Winkler A, Jackson RW, DeVore DP and Ritz BW. (2009) Eggshell Membrane in the Treatment of Pain and Stiffness from Osteoarthritis of the Knee: A Randomized, Multicenter, Double Blind, Placebo Controlled Clinical Study. Clinical Rheumatology, 28:907-914.
4. Danesch U, Seybold M, Rittinghausen R, Treibel W and Bitterlich N. (2014) NEM Brand Eggshell Membrane Effective in the Treatment of Pain Associated with Knee and Hip Osteoarthritis: Results from a Six Center, Open Label German Clinical Study. Journal of Arthritis, 3(3):136.
5. Brunello E and Masini A. (2016) NEM® Brand Eggshell Membrane Effective in the Treatment of Pain and Stiffness Associated with Osteoarthritis of the Knee in an Italian Study Population. Interna-tional Journal of Clinical Medicine, 7:169-175.
6. Benson KF, Ruff KJ and Jensen GS. (2012) Effects of Natural Eggshell Membrane (NEM) on Cytokine Production in Cultures of Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells: Increased Suppression of Tumor Necrosis Factor-a Levels After In Vitro Digestion. Journal of Medicinal Food, 15(4):360-368.
7. Ruff KJ and DeVore DP. (2014) Reduction of pro-inflammatory cytokines in rats following 7-day oral supplementation with a proprietary eggshell membrane-derived product. Modern Research in Inflammation, 3(1):19-25.
8. Sim BY, Bak JW, Lee HJ, Jun JA, Choi HJ, Kwon CJ, Kim HY, Ruff KJ, Brandt K and Kim DH. (2015) Effects of natural eggshell membrane (NEM) on monosodium iodoacetate-induced arthritis in rats. Journal of Nutrition and Health, 48(4):310-318.
9.Wedekind KJ, Ruff KJ, Atwell CA, Evans JL and Bendele AM. (2016). Beneficial Effects of Natural Eggshell Membrane (NEM) on Multiple Indices of Arthritis in Collagen-Induced Arthritic Rats. Mod-ern Rheumatology, 1-38.
10. Ruff KJ, Kopp KJ, Von Behrens P, Lux M, Mahn M and Back M. (2016) Effectiveness of NEM® brand eggshell membrane in the treatment of suboptimal joint function in dogs: a multicenter, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study. Veterinary Medicine: Research & Reports, 7:113-121.
11. Ruff KJ, Durham PL, O’Reilly A and Long FD. (2015) Eggshell membrane hydrolyzates activate NF-kB in vitro: possible implications for in vivo efficacy. Journal of Inflammation Research, 8:49-57.
12. Eskiyurt N, Saridogan M, Senel K, Gunaydin R, Erdal A, Akarirmak U, Sendur F, Barut K, Akyüz G, Ozsoy T, Tuncer T, Karatas O, Irdesel J, Ketenci A and Aydogan C. (2016) AB0762 Efficacy and Safety of Nem®-Stratum Nutrition's Brand Eggshell Membrane in Patients with Knee Os-teoarthritis Accompanying with Joint Pain and Stiffness. A Multi-Center, Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled, Crossover Study (under review).
NEMIMTENSE ist das beste Mittel gegen Schmerzen in den Knien. Bei regelmäßiger Einnahme bleibt man schmerzfrei.
Ich nehme NEM intens seit geraumer Zeit. Meine Hüftschmerzen sind fast weg. Ich bin sehr zufrieden und empfehle es gerne weiter.
Kapseln und Pillen gegen Gelenkschmerzen habe ich (55 ) ja nun schon oft genug getestet. Beginnend mit den Gelenkkapseln aus dem Drogeriemarkt bis hin zu etlichen „Wundermittelchen“ aus dem Internet. Entsprechend war ich skeptisch bei Nem und habe mir auch nicht wirklich Besserung erhofft; aber ein Gratis-Test...ich hatte also nichts zu verlieren. Aber ich habe alles gewonnen. „Klar“ dachte ich „in der Beschreibung steht daß es einige Tage dauert bis die Wirkung einsetzt, also werden 10 Tabs zuwenig sein und ich muß kostenpflichtig nachbestellen“... Aber ich wurde eines Besseren belehrt. Nach sechs Tagen, als ich morgens wieder von 1. Stock ins EG gegangen war blieb ich stehen und musste es erst einmal verstehen: etwas war anders gewesen. Ich ging die 15 Stufen wieder hoch und wieder runter. Und zwar zum ersten Mal seit 2 Jahren wieder schmerzfrei. Wirklich null Beschwerden, gar nix. Nicht wie die ganze Zeit vorher langsam, Stufe für Stufe, sondern endlich wieder wie früher, flüssig und in einem Stück. unendlich viel Dank an Dr Aydogan und sein Team, ich bin überglücklich!